Page:A History of Hindu Chemistry Vol 2.djvu/9

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The second and concluding volume of the History of Hindu Chemistry is now presented to the public.

When the first volume was under preparation, it was feared that many valuable works on Hindu Chemistry referred to in Rasárnava, Rasaratna- samuchchava, ctc., had been lost for ever. Pandit Navakänta Kavibhúshaza was deputed to Bena- res to make a searching enquiry and his labours have been rewarded by the discovery of several (illegible text) MSS., including one of Rasahridaya. This last-named work is of surpassing interest con- sidering its comprehensiveness and antiquity. Two more transcripts of it have also been procured from the Libraries of the India Office, London, and of the Darbár, Nepal. A copy of Rasendra- chúdámani obtained from the Library of the Deccan College, Poona, has also been of signal help. A critical study of the new materials throws a flood of light on the dark recesses oſ the history of Indian Chemistry. As a halo of literary and scientific activity including the pursuit of alchemy circles round the prominent figure of Nágárjuna. (onsiderable space has been devoted to a discussion of his age in the Historical Introduction.