Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/12

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Xll Preface I owe a debt which is far greater than I can express here, especially for the generous enthusiasm with which he had kindly agreed to accept this work for publication by the Calcutta University, which would have materialised if other circumstances had not changed this arrangement. To scholars of Indian philosophy who may do me the honour of reading my book and who may be impressed with its inevit- able shortcomings and defects, I can only pray in the words of Hemacandra: Pra11lii?lasiddhii1ltaviru.ddham atra y atkiiiciduktam .matimii.lldyadoiit M iitsaryyam u.tsiiryya tadiiryyacittii(l Prasiidam iidlliiya visodhayantu 1 . I May the noble-minded scholars instead of cherishing ill feeling kindly correct whatever errors have been here committed through the dullness of my intellect in the way of wrong interpretations and misstatements. S.D. TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. February, 1922.