Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/16

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XVI Contents CHAPTER IX MIMA.lISA PHILOSOPHY I A Comparative Review . 2 The Mlmamsa Literature. . . . . . . . . 3 The Paratab-pramaQya doctrine of Nyaya and the Svatal)-pramaQya doctrine of Mlmamsa . . . . 4 The place of Sense-organs !n Perceptio . 5 Indeterminate and Determmate Perception 6 Some Ontological Problems connected with the Doctrine of Per- ception . 7 The Nature of Knowledge 8 The Psychology of Illusion 9 Inference. . . 10 V pamfma, Arthapatti 11 Sabda-pramaQa . 12 The PramaQ.a of Non-perception (anupalabdhi) 13 Self, Salvation, and God . . . 14 Mlmarpsa as Philosophy and Mlmarpsa as Ritualism PAGE 3 6 7 3 6 9 37 2 . 375 . 37 8 379 3 82 3 8 4 3 8 7 39 1 . 394 397 399 4°3 CHAPTER X THE SANKARA SCHOOL OF VEDANTA I Comprehension of the Philosophical Issues more essential than the Dialectic of Controversy . . 4 06 2 The philosophical situation: a Review 4 08 3 Vedanta Literature . 4 18 4 Vedanta in G,!ugapada . 420 5 Vedanta and Sailkara (788-820 A.D.) 4 2 9 6 The main idea of the Vedanta philosophy 439 7 In what sense is the world-appearance false? . 443 8 The nature of the world-appearance, phenomena 445 9 The Definition of Ajiiana (nescience) . . 452 10 Ajiiana established by Perception and Inference . . 454 1 I Locus and Object of Ajiiana, Aharpkara and Antal)karaQa 457 12 Anirvacyavada and the Vedanta dialectic . .. 461 13 The Theory of Causation. . . . 465 14 yedanta theo!'Y of Perception and Inference. . 470 15 Atman, Jlva, lSvara, Ekajlvavada and Dr!ii!is!"!ii!ivada 474 16 Vedmta theory of Illusion . . . .. . 485 17 Vedanta Ethics and Vedanta Emancipation 489 18 Vedanta and other Indian systems. . 492 I ND EX . 495