Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/535

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savictira, 27 I savikalpa, 334, 337, 33 8 , 34 0 . 37 8 , 4 16 , 4 8 3, 4 8 4 savikalpaiiililta, IS3 11. savikalpapratyak!a, 261, 334 sa'lJipiika, 195 savitarka, 271 savyabhiciira, 360 Salpkhya, 7, 9, 5', 53, 68, 7 I, 75, 7 8 , 80, 95, 116, 16S, 167, 168, 178, 188, 211,212,213,216,217,218,219,220, 221, 222, 223, 227, 228, 229, 233, 235 n., 236, 237, 23 8 , 239, 24 1 , 243, 244, 257, 25 8 , 2S9, 261, 262, '264, 26 5, 2681t., 273, 274, 275, 27 6 , 277, 281, 2841l., 299,302,311, 3 12 , 3 1 4, 3 21 , 3 2 5, 33 0 , 33 1 , 3 6 3, 367, 3 68 , 3 6 9, 3 82 , 3 8 5, 403, 4 12 , 4 1 4, 4 1 5, 4 16 , 4 1 7, 4 22 , 43 2 , 434' 435, 44 0 , 468, 492, 493; an early school, 2 I 3 ff. ; axiom, 320; discussion of the different schools of, 2 18 ff.; discussions on Sti1!lkhya kiirikti, Stil!lkhya szUra, Vaca- spati and Bhik!iiu, 222 ff.; distinguished from yoga, 68; relation with the U paniads, 2 II ; theory of viparyyaya, etc., 220 n. Sii,!lkhya kiirikii, 67, 212, 218n., 219, 22 I, 222, 223, 2661Z. Siil!lkhyapravacanabha!ya, 223 Sa,!lkhyasiira, 212 Sii'..nkhya sutra, 21'Z, 222 Sd'.nkhyatattvavivecalta, 2 I 2 Stif!lkhyatattvayiithiirthyadipana, 2 I 2 Salpkhya- Yoga, 196,232,254,25611.,260, 266 n., 273, 286 n., 317 n., 329, 3781Z., 394; analysis of knowledge, 239 ff.; atheism and theism, 258 ff.; causation as conservation of energy, 254 ff. ; causation contrasted with Vedanta, 258 1Z.; conception of time, 256 n.; conception of thought and matter, 241 ff.; conception of wholes (avayavi), 38011.; criticism of satkiiryaviida etc., 275 ff.; development of infra-atoms and atoms, 25 I ff.; dissolution and creation, 247ff.; doctrine of validity of know- ledge and inference, 268 It.; episte- mology, 414 ff.; evolution of the cate- gories, 248ff.; feelings as ultimate sub- stances, 24'2 ff.; fruits of karma, '267; general epistemological situation as compared with Mimalpsa, 367 ff.; in- discemible nature of guas, 273 11.; meaning of gllta, 243; means of up- rooting sorrow in, 265ff.; meditation, 271 ff.; methods of discipline, 270; modes of ignorance, 267; mode of sense-contact as contrasted with that of Nyaya, 378 1Z.; nature of evolu- tionary change, '255 ff.; nature of illusion, 260 n. ; nature of prakrti, 245 ff.; nature of subconscious mind, 263ff.; nature of the guas, 244; perceptual Index 5 1 9 process, 26 I ff.; pessImIsm of, 264 ff.; purzl!a doctrine, 238 ff.; obstructions of perception, 273 11.; relation with Buddhism and Jainism, 208 ff.; sa,!ls- kiira and viisa/zti, 263n.; self and mind, 259ff.; self compared with Nyaya and 1Ilmalpsa, 368; states and tendencies of citta (mind) 268 ff.; theory of causa- tion, 257; Vatsayana's distinction of, 228 1Z.; view of motion contrasted with Nyaya, 330; wisdom and emancipation, 273 Siil!lkhyayogapariliimaviida, 468 Siinka, 233 Sariputtra, 120 siirthti, 20 sarupyam, I S4 stisltii, 349 siisvata, 109 stittvika aha'.nkiira, 2:;0 savayava, 203 Siivitri, 28 n. Sayaa, 20, 36 Schiefner, 129 n. Schools of philosophy, 63 Schopenhauer, 39, 4 0 Schrader, 109 Schroeder, 391Z. Scotus Erigena, 40 n. Seal, B. N., 213, 246, 25111., 253'1., 321,322 n., 326, 327 /l., 328 n. Secret doctrine, 38 Seers, 68 n. Self, 33, 34, 55, 5 8 ,60, 61, 76, 110, III, 161, 162, 187, '215, 217, 218, 239, 240, 260, 26 I, 285, 290, 295, 29 8 , 3 00 , 303, 3 12 ,3 1 7".,33 0 ,335, 343 1Z ., 3 62 , 3 6 3, 3 6 5, 3 66 , 3 68 , 3 8 3, 399, 4 00 , 4 01 , 4 02 , 4 1 3, 414, 4 16 , 4 1 7, 4 2 4, 4 2 5, 433, 434, 435, 437, 43 8 , 45 8 , 460,465,482,490, 494; and death, 55; as a com pound of the khaltdhas, 94; as found in dreams, 47; as in deep sleep, 47; doctrine of sheaths of, 46 Self-conscious, 368, 369 Self-consciousness, 363, 4 17 Self-knowledge, 59 Self-luminosity, 493 Seli-Iuminous, 444. 44- 6 , 45 0 , 45 2 , 45 8 , 459,460,461,482, 4 8 7 Self-modification, 173 Self-restraint, 101 Self-revealing, 369, 416 Self-valid, 384, 386. 387, 403 Self-validity, 372, 373,374,389,396, 4 8 3, 4 8 4 Sensation, 165, 312, 318, 411 Sense-affections, 94 Sense-contact, 336, 3421Z. Sense-data, 94, '239, 240 n., 262 1Z. Sense-functions, 262 Sense-materials, 22S Senses, 94 Sensus cO//lmunis, 96