Page:A History of Mathematics (1893).djvu/424

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Abacists, 126.
Abacus, 8, 13, 63, 79, 82, 119, 122, 126, 129.
Abbatt, 334.
Abel, 347, 348; ref. to, 146, 279, 291, 312, 328, 336, 337, 350, 353, 371.
Abelian functions, 292, 312, 328, 346, 348, 349, 352, 355357, 369.
Abelian integrals, 350, 379.
Abel's theorem, 352.
Absolute geometry, 301.
Absolutely convergent series, 335, 337, 338.
Abul Gud, 111; ref. to, 112, 113.
Abul Hasan, 115.
Abul Wefa, 110; ref. to, 112, 113.
Achilles and tortoise, paradox of, 27.
Acoustics, 262, 270, 278, 386.
Action, least, 253, 366, 401; varying, 292, 318, 379.
Adams, 375; ref. to, 214.
Addition theorem of elliptic integrals, 252, 350, 396.
Adrain, 276.
Æquipollences, 322.
Agnesi, 260.
Agrimensores, 80.
Ahmes, 1015; ref. to, 17, 18, 53, 74.
Airy, 375; ref. to, 383.
Al Battani, 109; ref. to, 110, 125.
Albertus Magnus, 134.
Albiruni, 111; ref. to, 102, 104.
Alcuin, 119.
Alembert, D'. See D'Alembert.
Alexandrian School (first), 3454; (second), 5462.
Alfonso's tables, 127.

Algebra: Beginnings in Egypt, 15; early Greek, 73; Diophantus, 7477; Hindoo, 9396; Arabic, 107, 111, 115; Middle Ages, 133, 135; Renaissance, 140, 142150, 152; seventeenth century, 166, 187, 192; Lagrange, 267; Peacock, 284; recent, 315331; origin of terms, 107, 115. See Notation.
Algebraic functions, 346; integrals, 377.
Algorithm, origin of term, 106; Middle Ages, 126, 129.
Al Haitam, 115; ref. to, 112.
Al Hayyami, 112; ref. to, 113.
Al Hazin, 112.
Al Hogendi, 111.
Al Karhi, 111, 113.
Al Kaschi, 114.
Al Kuhi, 111; ref. to, 112.
Allégret, 377.
Allman, IX., 36.
Al Madshriti, 115.
Almagest, 5658; ref. to, 105, 109, 127, 134, 136, 140.
Al Mahani, 112.
Alphonso's tables, 127.
Al Sagani, 111.
Alternate numbers, 322.
Ampère, 394; ref. to, 361.
Amyclas, 33.
Analysis (in synthetic geometry), 30, 39; Descartes', 186; modern, 331334.
Analysis situs, 226, 315.
Analytic geometry, 185189, 191, 193, 240, 287, 307315.