Page:A History of Mathematics (1893).djvu/431

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Geodesics, 249, 379.
Geodesy, 366.
Geometry, Babylonian, 8; Egyptian, 1013; Greek, 1762, 69; Hindoo, 97, 98; Roman, 80; Arabic, 104, 108, 110, 113, 114; Middle Ages, 121, 125, 127, 128, 130, 131; Renaissance, 138, 153, 154, 158, 167; analytic, 186189, 191, 193, 287, 307315; modern synthetic, 240, 285290, 293307; descriptive, 286288, 300. See Curves, Surfaces, Curvature, Quadrature, Rectification, Circle.
Gerard of Cremona, 126.
Gerbert, 120124.
Gergonne, 297; ref. to, 178, 290.
Gerhardt, XI., 227, 230, 233.
Gerling, 366.
Germain, Sophie, 387; ref. to, 386.
German Magnetic Union, 366.
Gerstner, 389.
Gibbs, 400; ref. to, XII., 319.
Giovanni Campano, 127.
Girard, 166; ref. to, 127, 161.
Glaisher, 372; ref. to, XIII., 325, 328, 374, 368.
Glazebrook, 397; ref. to, XIV.
Gobar numerals, 82, 103.
Godfrey, 218.
Golden section, 33.
Göpel, 355.
Gordan, 312, 327, 330.
Gournerie, 300, 311.
Goursat. 343; ref. to, 350.
Gow, IX., 35.
Graham, XII.
Grammateus, 151.
Grandi, 251.
Graphical statics, 292, 299.
Grassmann, 320321; ref. to, 294, 304, 317, 318, 378.
Gravitation, theory of, 213, 258, 271, 275.
Greeks, 1677.
Green, 395; ref. to, 358, 383, 388, 390, 393, 395.
Greenhill, 354. 382.
Gregorian Calendar, 154.
Gregory, David F., 215, 284, 315.
Gregory, James, 228, 243.
Gromatici, 80.

Groups, theory of, 328330, 344346. Papers by W. Dyck (Math. Ann., 20 and 22) and by O. Hölder (Math. Ann., 34) should have been mentioned on p. 330.
Grunert, 314; ref. to, 320.
Gua, de, 240.
Gubar-numerals, 82, 103.
Gudermann, 353.
Guldin, 167; ref. to, 59, 171.
Guldinus. See Guldin.
Gunter, E., 165.
Günther, S., IX., X., XI., 325.
Gützlaff, 353.
Haan, 334.
Haas, XII.
Hachette, 288, 300.
Hadamard, 368.
Hadley, 218.
Hagen, 276.
Halifax, 134; ref. to, 136.
Halley, 45, 213, 214, 261.
Halley's Comet, 258, 374.
Halphen, 311; ref. to, 297, 315, 327, 344, 345, 354.
Halsted, X., 303.
Hamilton, W., 184, 316.
Hamilton, W. R., 318, 319; ref. to, 266, 291, 292, 314, 316, 317, 321, 324, 328, 341, 378, 379, 393, 401.
Hamilton's numbers, 329.
Hammond, J., 327.
Hankel, 322; ref. to, IX., X., 28, 93, 96, 285, 325, 339, 362.
Hann, 385.
Hansen, 375.
Hanus, 325.
Hardy. 174.
Harkness, 362.
Harmonics, 55.
Haroun-al-Raschid, 104.
Harrington, 377.
Harriot, 166; ref. to, 147, 152, 162, 187, 192.
Hathaway, XI.
Heat, theory of, 399401.
Heath, 306.
Heaviside, 319, 397, 398.
Hebrews, 19.
Hegel, 373.