Page:A History of Mathematics (1893).djvu/440

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Thermodynamics, 385, 398401.
Theta-functions, 352, 353, 355, 380.
Theta-fuchsians, 345.
Theudius, 33.
Thomae, 353, 362.
Thomé, 344; ref. to, 345.
Thomson, J., 385.
Thomson, J. J., 382; ref. to, 396, 397.
Thomson, Sir William, 395, 396; ref. to, 283, 315, 358, 381, 382, 383, 388, 391, 393, 394, 395, 399, 400, 403. See Kelvin (Lord).
Thomson's theorem, 359.
Three bodies, problem of, 253, 256, 377.
Thymaridas, 73.
Tides, 278, 383.
Timæus of Locri, 29.
Tisserand, 377.
Todhunter, 334; ref. to, I., XIII., 375.
Tonstall, 158.
Torricelli, 171.
Trajectories, 234, 238.
Triangulum characteristicum, 220.
Trigonometric series, 283, 339, 357. See Fourier's series.
Trigonometry, 51, 56, 98100, 109, 110, 115, 135, 140, 141, 154, 160, 161, 165, 238, 242, 245, 249, 259; spherical, 57, 115, 280, 294.
Trisection of angles, 24, 31, 50, 153.
Trochoid, 171.
Trouton, 394.
Trudi, 324.
Tucker, XIII.
Twisted Cartesian, 312.
Tycho Brahe, 110, 139, 168.
Ubaldo, 183.
Ultimate multiplier, theory of, 379.
Ulug Beg, 114.
Undulatory theory of light, 192, 339, 379, 392394.
Universities of Cologne, Leipzig, Oxford, Paris, and Prague, 136.
Valson, XIII.
Van Ceulen. See Ludolph.
Vandermonde, 278; ref. to, 264, 278.
Van Schooten, 189; ref. to, 190, 202.
Variation of arbitrary consonants, 378.
Varignon, 240; ref. to, 236.

Varying action, principle of, 292, 318, 379.
Venturi, 52.
Veronese, 305; ref. to, 307.
Versed sine, 99.
Vibrating rods, 387.
Vibrating strings, 242, 255, 262.
Vicat, 389; ref. to, 390.
Victorius, 79.
Vieta, 147; ref. to, 50, 142, 152, 153, 154, 167, 196, 202, 217, 264.
Vincent, Gregory St., 190, 197.
Virtual velocities, 34, 265.
Viviani, 172.
Vlacq, 165.
Voigt, XIII., 365, 393.
Volaria, 237.
Von Helmholtz. See Helmholtz.
Von Staudt, 298, 299; ref. to, 292, 294, 295.
Vortex motion, 382.
Vortex rings, 382.
Voss, 306; ref. to, 336.
Waldo, 385.
Walker, 323.
Wallis, 192195; ref. to, 98, 161, 177, 179, 187, 188, 197, 202, 229.
Waltershausen, XI.
Wand, 400.
Wantzel, 328.
Warring. 264, 330.
Watson, J. C, 377.
Watson, S., 341.
Wave theory. See Undulatory theory.
Waves, 382385.
Weber, H. H., 355.
Weber, W. E., 394; ref. to, 357, 363, 388, 396, 398.
Weierstrass, 359; ref. to, 328, 339, 352, 353, 354, 359, 361, 362, 372.
Weigel, 219.
Weiler, 341.
Werner, 153.
Wertheim, 390.
Westergaard, 340.
Wheatstone, 386.
Whewell, IX., 43, 253.
Whiston, 216.
Whitney, 87.
Widmann, 150.