Page:A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy.djvu/513

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65, 67; man typical of the universe, 65; Intelligence, Soul, Nature, 66; matter, 66 f.; creation, 68; will, 68 f., 70; mystic knowledge, 69 f.; ethics, 71 ff.; the virtues, 72 f.; the "Royal Crown" (Keter Malkut), 75 f.; Bibhcal exegesis, 78 f.; influence on Jewish Philosophy, 79; on Kabbala, ibid.; 80, 81, 89, 91, 107, 126, 127, 131, 151, 184, 185, 187, 188, 198, 200, 206, 237, 246, 307, 309, 328, 428, 434

Galen, xviii, 2, 3, 72, 209, 252

Genesis, creation story, xvii, xxix, 303

Gersonides, see Levi ben Gerson

Ginzberg, L., 439, note 13

God, in Aristotle, xxxiii; existence of G. in Kalam, xlii, 24, 247; in Saadia, xlii, 28 ff.; in Al Basir, 49 f.; in Jeshua ben Judah, 57; in Bahya, xlii, 86 ff.; in Ibn Zaddik, xlii, 143; in Ibn Daud, xlii f., 217 ff.; in Maimonides, xliii, 248, 257 ff.; in Levi ben Gerson, 350 f.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 368 f.; in Crescas, 389 ff.; in Albo, 419 f.

Goldenthal, 445, note 318

Goldziher, Ignaz, 106, 433, 439, notes 10 and 23; 442, note 132

Gorfinkle, Joseph I., 444, note 251

Graetz, H., 445, note 311

Graf, 440, note 64

Gugenheimer, 435

"Guide of the Perplexed," 239

Guttmann, Jacob, 434, 435, 436, 439, note 27; 440, notes 33, 41 and 83; 442, note 133; 443, notes 230 and 245; 445, notes 310 and 331a; 447, notes 403a, 436 and 437

Guttmann, Julius, 435

Halevi, Judah, xix, xxxix, xl, xlv, xlvi, xlviii, xlix, 125, 150-183; his standpoint, 150, 152, 157 f.; his life, 151 f.; philosophy and religion, 152; influence of Algazali, 152 f.; the "Kusari," 153 ff.; the "philosopher's" creed, 154 f.; the Christian's, 155 f.; the Mohammedan's, 156; the Jew's, 156 ff.; creation, 157; existence of God, 158; will, 159; motives of philosopher and believer, 159 f.; meaning of the name of "Jhvh," 159 f., 165; of "Elohim," 160, 165; mysticism in H., 160; attributes, 161 ff.; incorporeality, 162; superiority of Israel, 162 f.; need of revelation, 163; superiority of Palestine, 164; Israel the heart among the nations, 164; superiority of the Hebrew language, 164 f.; prophecy, 165 f.; the active Intellect, 165 f.; the ceremonial law, 167 f.; ethics, 168 f.; immortality, 169 f., 181 f.; future world and reward and punishment, 170; freedom, 171 ff.; and foreknowledge, 172 f.; interpretation of "Sefer Yezirah," 173 f.; the Rabbis knew the sciences, 174; exposition of the current philosophy, 174 ff.; H. understands Aristotle's definition of the soul, 175; physics, 175 ff.; matter, 175; criticism, 176 f.; emanation of Intelligences, 178; criticism, 178 f.; psychology, 179 f.; criticism, 181 f.; 197, 198, 200, 201, 210, 211, 216, 223, 224, 226, 230, 231, 246, 248, 281, 309, 332, 362, 389, 392, 396, 414, 420, 421, 426, 429, 435

Harizi, Judah, 125, 184

Harkavy, Abraham, 17, 433

Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, 59, 153, 308

Hayyuj, 187, 309

Hefez ben Yazliah, 84