Page:A History of Wood-Engraving.djvu/160

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Fig. 64.—The Snow Cottage.
Fig. 64.—The Snow Cottage.

Fig. 64.—The Snow Cottage.

with truth and feeling; his humor is sometimes indelicate, but it is faithful; usually it is the humor of a situation which strikes him, seldom the higher humor which appears

Fig. 65.—Birth-place of Bewick. His last vignette, portraying his own funeral
Fig. 65.—Birth-place of Bewick. His last vignette, portraying his own funeral

Fig. 65.—Birth-place of Bewick. His last vignette, portraying his own funeral.

in such cuts as the superstitious dog. He is open to pathos, too, but here it is not the higher order of pathos far-reaching into the bases of life and emotion—in this cut (Fig. 64), for example, one fancies his heart is nearly altogether with the uncared-for animal, and takes not much thought of the deserted hearth. With this veracity, sen-