Page:A History of the Australian Ballot System in the United States.djvu/93

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Revising Officer shall, in open Court, write his initials against the names struck out or inserted, and against any part of any list in which any mistake shall have been corrected, and shall sign his name to every page of the list so settled.

Persons making frivolous claims or objections to pay costs

14. If in any case it shall appear to the Court that any person shall have made or attempted to sustain any frivolous and vexatious claim, or objection, to have any name inserted or retained in any roll of persons entitled to vote, it shall be lawful for such Court, in its discretion to make such order as may be fit, for the payment by such person of the costs, or any part of the costs of any person, in resisting such claim, or objection, such order being in writing, and specifying the sum (such sum not to exceed Ten Pounds) and by and to whom, and when and where to be paid.

Provisions in certain cases of change of abode

15. Where any person whose name appears on any electoral list for any district shall be objected to on the ground of having changed his place of abode, the Court may retain the name of such person on the electoral list, provided that such person or some one on his behalf shall prove that he is possessed of the same qualification in respect of which his name has been inserted on such electoral list, and shall also supply his true place of abode which the said Court shall insert in such list.

The electoral roll

16. The Returning Officers of electoral districts or divisions shall keep the electoral lists so revised and signed as aforesaid, and shall cause each of the same to be fairly and truly copied into an alphabetical list in a separate book, to be called the electoral roll, under the several headings of the subdivisions of such district and division into polling places, and shall insert opposite to every name in the column showing the date of registration, the true date of the holding of the Court of Revision at which the claim was allowed, and shall cause each of such books, together with the electoral lists to be preserved among the records of his office, and shall from time to time produce such book and every future book into which the said electoral roll may be transcribed, and shall transmit a copy of such book, containing the names of persons entitled to vote at elections of Members to serve in the Legislative Council, within fourteen days after each Court of Revision, to the Returning Officer of the Province, forming one electoral district.

Electoral roll to be register of voters

17. The electoral roll shall be the register of persons entitled to vote at any election of a Member or Members to serve in the said Legislative Council or House of Assembly respectively, which shall take place between the last day of December, in the year wherein such register shall have been made, and the