Page:A History of the Brahmo Samaj.djvu/17

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Service founded ; Mr. Sen leads some ladies to the house of Dr. Robson, a Christian Mis- sionary, which evokes .public criticism, but some of his friends want to go further 166-167

On 23rd July, 1865, Mr. Sen delivers a lecture on Struggles for Religious Independence and Progress in the Brahmo Samaj ; on the same day his party send a representation to D. N. Tagore, asking for permission to hold Weekly Services of their own in the Samaj chapel, but the permission is denied ; baffled here the progressive party take to mission work ; Mr. Sen visits Eastern Bengal and composes his remarkable booklet called "True Faitl? 167-173

Mr. Sen delivers his lectures on "Jesus Christ^ Asia and Europe" and on "Great Men 1 ' which further widen the breach between the two parties and schism is formally and publicly proclaimed on nth November, 1866 .;. i74-i8<3

The condition of the Brahmo Samaj at the , parting of ways .4, .*. ... 181

The subsequent history of the Adi Brahmo Samaj ; its exact position. ... 182-190

Personal Traits of Maharshi D. N, Tagore 191-220


The schism brings solidarity to Mr, Sen's party