Page:A History of the Pacific Northwest.djvu/349

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leaders in securing this progressive legislation have gone down to defeat in their attempts to pass, by initiative, legislation like the single tax which the people regard as unjust. Mr. U'Ren himself, as candidate for governor in Oregon in 1914, was badly beaten. The people honour him as father of the Oregon system: they assign him very unusual gifts as a political mechanician; but beinof unconvinced of the soundness of his statesmanship they refuse to follow him in matters of general state policy. That fact argues strongly against the charge that the people are unduly radical or easily stampeded.

Equal suffrage. The Northwestern states have adopted equal suffrage amendments to their constitutions. This is the result of a campaign covering half a century In which the leading protagonist of " women's rights "w^as a remarkable woman of frontier type named Abigail Scott Duniway. Mrs. Duniway spent the best years of a long and intensely active life carrying the message of equality between the sexes into every nook and cranny of these states. She lived to see the fruition of her work.

Prohibition of the liquor traffic. As stated above, all of these states have laws prohibiting the manufacture and sale for beverage purposes of alcoholic liquors. State prohibition sentiment was a gradual development. For a number of years under local option laws numbers of towns and localities became habituated to the saloon-less or "dry "condition. They saw the arguments of the opposition disproved,