Page:A History of the Pacific Northwest.djvu/361

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by Hunt's party, 73; crossed by emigrants in 1843, ISS; settlement of, 227. Gray's Harbour, discovered by Robert Gray, 23; salmon pack of, 277. Gray, Captain Robert, commands ship Columbia on voyage to China, 22; discovers Gray's Harbour and Columbia River, 23. Gray, William H., missionary assistant of Whitman, 121; trip east and return, 123; aids in provisional government movement, 161 n. Great Britain sends Commodore Anson to the Pacific in 1740, 8; Arthur Dobbs prophesies British expansion in Pacific, 8, 9; dispatches succession of navigators, 9; persists in search for Northwest Passage, 9; Cook sent to Northwest Coast, 12; her mercantile explorers, 16 ff.; Nootka Convention with Spain, 18, 19; sends Vancouver to Northwest Coast, 19-21; joins issue with U. S. over Oregon, 90; accepts joint occupation treaty, 92-3; offers 49th parallel boundary, 185. Greeley, Horace, quoted, 167 n. Grenville, Point, Heceta lands at, II.

Hall, Fort, built by Wyeth,

hi; emigrating party, 1843, at, 154. Hanna, James, begins fur trade of the Northwest Coast, 17 n. Hearne, Samuel, explorer, 12,

24. Pleceta, Spanish explorer, lands at Point Grenville, 11; saw mouth of Columbia, 12. Helena (Montana town), mining camp supplied, 225. Henry-Thompson Journals,

cited, 78 n. Hines, Reverend Gustavus, missionary, 137; makes Fourth of July address, 1843, 162. Hood River Valley, famous

fruit area, 264. Hudson Bay, 12; port at, in Mackenzie's plan, 26; York Factory on, 80. Hudson's Bay Company, chartered, 1669, 9 n.; neglects exploring function, 9; its trade, in the Northwest, Chap. VI. Hunt, Wilson Price, Astor's partner, gathers party for overland journey to Columbia, 71-2; arrives on Columbia, 73; sails to Alaska on Beaver, 77 \ returns to Astoria, and home, 78.

Idaho, mining in, 222; population and wealth, 246; number of farms, 251; values of farm property,