Page:A History of the Pacific Northwest.djvu/365

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leon by treaty, 42; safeguards Astoria against British claims in 1814, 88; demands restoration of Astoria in 1815, 89.

Monterey Harbour, discovered and explored, 7; occupied, 11; base for northern explorations, 11,

Montreal, Astor secures men from, 72.

M'Tavish, J. G., fur trader, brings news of war to the Columbia, 76.

Mullan, Captain John, builds the Mullan road, 225.

Napoleon, secures Louisiana from Spain, 39.

Nelson River, route for fur trade to Hudson Bay, 26.

Nesmith, J. W., with 1843 emigration, 148; with Villard at completion of N. P. R. R., 243.

New Orleans, market for trans-Allegheny country, 40; Jefferson tries to buy, 42.

Nez Perces Indians, send delegation to St. Louis, us; mission for, 122.

Nicaragua Lake, discovered, 3; idea of canal from, 3.

Nootka, convention, 19; figures in Oregon negotiation, 102-3. Sound, discovered by Perez, 11; rediscovered by Cook, 13; Indian trade begun at, 15; Spaniards attempt to fortify, 18-19;

Controversy and Convention, 19.

Northwest Company, origin and growth of, 24; sends Mackenzie to explore north and west, 24-26; ambitious plans of trade, 26-8; carries trade across Rockies, 65-67; competes with Astor Company, 73-4; buys Astoria, 77-8; unites with Hudson Bay Company, 79-80.

Northwest Passage, British interest in, 9.

Ogden, Peter Skeen, Factor of Hudson Bay Company, saves captives after Whitman massacre, 193 and n.

Ohio, population in 1800, 40; Oregon meetings in, 146.

Ohio Statesman, source of information for Cincinnati Convention, 177.

Okanogan, Fort, built by Astor Company, 74-5.

Olympia, beginnings of, 171; progress after beginning of California gold rush, 209.

Ontario, ship, ordered to Columbia River, 90.

Oregon Historical Society, publications of cited, 96, 112, 156, 16&-9, 176, 183, 190. name, its origin found in Carver's Travels, 37-96. Provisional Government,

Chap. XI, 157 ff. Question, early phases of,