Page:A History of the University of Chicago by Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed.djvu/290

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252 1 No. Name Classification 6 Charles William Cabeen Graduate 7 Frederick Ives Carpenter Graduate 8 Elkanah Hulley Graduate 9 James Wallace Cabeen Divinity 10 William Edgar Taylor Graduate 11 Napoleon Bonaparte Heller Graduate 12 George A. Sorrick Graduate 13 Herbert B. Hutchins Graduate 14 Paul Oskar Kern Graduate 1 5 Theodore Gerald Soares Graduate 1 6 Frank Hall Colyer College 17 Elias W.Kelly Graduate 18 Henry C. Mix College 19 Hester Jane Coddington College 20 James Westfall Thompson Graduate It will be noted that fourteen of these were graduate students. Five of the fourteen later became professors in the University: Messrs. Owen, Carpenter, Kern, Soares, and Thompson. The first student to reach the campus and occupy a room was Abraham Bowers. But almost or quite as early as this student activity displayed in finding entrance was that of the University newspaper men. They began to confer with the President long before the opening, and found that the establishment of a college paper was one of his cherished plans. Negotiations, therefore, were easy, and the first of the college papers appeared, some days before the opening, though dated October i, 1892, under the name, University of Chicago Weekly, a most creditable paper with E. M. Foster as editor and W. F. Durno as business manager. But should the new University have only a weekly paper? Should its public be without University news six days in the week ? This would never do, and on October 17, appeared the initial num- ber of the University News, a four-page daily, with Howard Roosa, John G. Fryer, and Gertrude L. Cobb as editors. The ground for a daily and weekly was thus occupied early, but the door for a monthly was still wide open. This open door was entered in December, 1892, by the Arena. The University was now fully equipped with student publications. But, alas, there were neither