Page:A History of the University of Chicago by Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed.djvu/454

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400 A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO of A s You Like It, which was so well done as to call for a second presentation. Another was the class gift to the University of a bronze tablet showing a likeness of Mr. Douglas and under it the following inscription : IN HONOR OF STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS WHO IN 1855 GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO THE FOUNDING OF THE FIRST UNIVERSITY ESTABLISHED IN CHICAGO THIS TABLET IS ERECTED IN JUNE, IQOI, BY THE DECENNIAL CLASS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Franklin MacVeagh made the address. The tablet was later placed in the Cloister of the Tower Group. There were also great alumni meetings. On Sunday four religious services were held. At one of these the President, departing from his usual custom, delivered the Baccalaureate Address to the graduating class. Mon- day, June 17, was devoted to educational conferences in which there were many addresses by eminent scholars of this and other countries. The Convocation was held on Tuesday, June 18, in a great tent set up in the middle of the central quadrangle. Congratu- latory addresses were made by Professor Frank F. Abbott for the faculty, by Arthur E. Bestor for the students, and by Hon. George E. Adams for Chicago. Mr. Ryerson represented the Trustees, speaking in particular of the factors entering into the growth and success of the University, paying special tribute to the services of President Harper and the munificence of Mr. Rockefeller, and saying that this recognition of the Founder was "inspired also by the moral encouragement which he has given at every onward step, and by the feeling that Mr. Rockefeller is not only the Founder of the University of Chicago and its greatest benefactor, but also an earnest sympathizer with its highest aspirations." Mr. Rocke- feller had visited the University but once. Five years had passed since that visit and he had now yielded to the solicitations of the President and Trustees and was present during the five days of the Decennial Celebration. Following the other speakers at the Convocation he said :