Page:A History of the University of Chicago by Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed.djvu/573

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INDEX Abbott, Frank Frost: Associate Professor of Latin, appointment of, as, 204; first appointee on faculty, 204; labors of, in registering students, 193; Uni- versity Examiner, appointment of, as, 191, 204. Abernethy, Alonzo, 18. Academic College Association, 257. Academic year, the. See Harper, W. R.; University of Chicago. Academy of Sciences, origin of, 12. Affiliations. See Harper, W. R.; Uni- versity of Chicago. Alice Freeman Palmer chimes, 346. See also Stagg, A. A. "Alma Mater": authorship and pro- duction of, 452; words of, 453. Alumni Council, 461. Alumni Directory, publication of, 416. Alumni, loyalty of, to University, 462. See also Old University of Chicago; University of Chicago. American Baptist Education Society: approval of Executive Board of selec- tion of Chicago as location of Baptist educational institution, 6 ; " Committee of Inquiry on the Proposed Institution of Learning in Chicago," appointment of, by, 59; contribution of $100,000 to, by John D. Rockefeller, 9, 58; control by, of early collection of funds for establishment of a University, 481; es- tablishment of a college rather than a university contemplated by, 158; first meeting of Executive Board of, 5 ; meeting of, on December 3, 1888, 49; part played by, in establishment of University, 40-44; part played by, in influencing John D. Rockefeller in favor of Chicago, 4; proposal of Henry L. Morehouse for organization of, 40; re- port to, on May 27, 1890, of successful completion of first $1,000,000 subscrip- tion, 88 ff.; resolutions of, on June 17, 1889, for a "college" at Chicago, 64; scenes at annual meeting of, on launch- ing of plan for University, 67 f.; selected by John D. Rockefeller as agent of his educational gifts, 7, 9; withdrawal of, from control of financial affairs of new University, 97. American Bible Union Library, 26. American Institute of Hebrew. See Harper, W. R. American Institute of Sacred Literature, foundation of, by W. R. Harper, 101. Anderson, Galusha, 19, 203. Angell, J. R.: Dean of Faculties of Arts, Literature, and Science, 464; shorten- ing course of study and solution of educational problems in University, statement of, on, 464-65. Annual Register, the, 133. Architecture of University campus. See Cobb, Henry Ives; Buildings of Uni- versity; University of Chicago. Arena, the, 252. Arnett, Trevor: appointment of, as auditor, 383 ; report by, on Educational Finance, 386-87. Asada, Eiji, first to receive Ph.D. degree, 264. Astrophysical Journal, the, establish- ment of, 317, 320. See also University Press. Association of Doctors of Philosophy, 461. Athenaeum Literary Society, 257. Athletic Field. See Stagg Field. Auditor. See Arnett, Trevor; Uni- versity of Chicago. Bailey, G. S., 22. Bailey, Joseph M., member of first Board of Trustees, 95. Baldwin, Jesse A., service of, as trustee, 468. Baptist churches, interest of, in early campaign for funds, 79-80. Baptist Ministers' Conference, partici- pation of, in raising funds for pro- posed University, 69 ff . Baptist Social Union, participation of, in raising funds for proposed University, 69 ff. 55