Page:A History of the University of Chicago by Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed.djvu/584

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A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Portraits. See University of Chicago. Power Plant. See Buildings of Univer- sity (s.v. Heat, Light, and Power Plant) . Publication work of University. See Harper, W. R.; University of Chicago, University Press. Quadrangle Club: organization of, 388; presidents of, 388, 389-90; transfer of building, etc., to University, 390; vicissitudes of, 389. Quarterly Calendar , establishment of, 320. See also University Press. Quarters, division of academic year into, 155. See also University of Chicago. Reader, abandonment of title of, 151. Reichelt, John A., gift of, 366. Retiring allowances. See Pension Fund. Reynolds Club, organization of, 347. See also Buildings of University s.v. Reynolds, Mrs. Joseph, gifts by, 274, 345. See also Buildings of University (s.v. Reynolds Club). Ricketts, Howard Taylor, 432. See also Buildings of University (s.v. Ricketts Laboratory). Robertson, David A., indebtedness of author to, acknowledged, xi. Robinson, E. G., choice of Chicago urged on John D. Rockefeller by, 48. Rockefeller, John D.: absence of, from opening ceremonies of University, 242; address by, at Quinquennial Celebra- tion, 397, at Decennial Celebration, 401; American Baptist Education Society, contribution of $100,000 to, by, 9, 58; appeal of W. R. Harper to, in favor of Chicago, 7; appealed to, by A. H. Strong to assist in founding uni- versity in New York City, 34 ff .; appeals to, for financial assistance for educa- tional purposes, 2, 32, 33; attention called to educational needs and oppor- tunities of Chicago by T. W. Good- speed, i; biography of, 28; budget of University, attitude of, toward, 283; Chapel, provision made for, by, 292-93; conditions of first pledge of $600,000 by, declared fulfilled, 92; congratula- tions from, to W. R. Harper on his acceptance of presidency of new Uni- versity, 129; contribution by, in agreement for consolidation of Baptist Union Theological Seminary and new University, 26; correspondence of, on subject of founding university at Chicago, 52, 57; Decennial Celebra- tion, presence of, at, 347, and at cornerstone laying of Press Building, 343; correspondence with, on subject of new University, 2, 30, 32, 33, 35, 3 6 . 37, 39, 40, 53, 545 deficits and expenses, contributions of, for, 279, 283, 286, 288, 289, 290; depression of, over outlook in 1891, 177; desire of, that American Baptist Education Society assume initiative in launching plan for University, 64; efforts of, to cause acceptance of presidency by W. R. Harper, 119, 120, 127; efforts of, to retain W. R. Harper at Morgan Park Theological Seminary, 102; favors college rather than university, at Chicago, 57, 158; final gift by, to Uni- versity, 291-93; first discussion by F. T. Gates with, regarding contribu- tion, 9; funds for graduate fellowships furnished by, 192; gifts by, to Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 24, 25, 29, 316; gifts by, to University after its establishment, 161-63, 181-82, 223, 269, 272, 275, 276, 279, 287, 288, 29, 3*5, 3i6, 336, 347, 35, 354, 35^, 357, 424, and tabulation of, 497; Harper, W. R., beginning of acquaintance with, 103; conference with, regarding presi- dency of new University, 112; Haskell Oriental Museum, presence of, at dedicatory exercises of, 299, 397; interest of, in American Baptist Edu- cation Society, 5 ; lands: north of Mid- way Plaisance, gift of, to University by, 289; south of Midway Plaisance, gift of, by, 337-38; Law Library, purchase of, financed by, 334; legend "Founded by John D. Rockefeller," how used, 28, 446; message from, to President Harper and Trustees at opening of University, 243, 245; Morgan Park Academy, founded by, 357-58; non-interference of, hi ap- pointments to faculty, 198, 243-44; policy of, in respect to financial future of University, 287; preference of, for Chicago, as location for educational institution, 46; promise of, to give $600,000, and conditions of pledge, 10-11, 66, 158; relations of, with Board of Trustees, 294 f.; Rush Medical College, affiliation of, with University financed by, 332; subject of new University first broached to, 30; total (approximate) of gifts to University, by, 293; vice-president of Baptist Theological Union, 25. See