Page:A Hundred Years Of Bengali Press.pdf/6

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which they took pride; but the Press as an integral factor in the history of Bengal was still unknown.

At last, in came the band of missionaries. To spread the message of Christ was their chief mission; and actuated by such high motives, they did a unique service to Bengal and the Bengalis. To popularise the doctrines of Christianity, they began in right earnest, to study the vernaculars of the people. To make the new religion intelligible to the people, addresses in their own language were necessary. This gave rise to the Scriptures in Bengali. It was also through the great genius of Carey that the first press was established in Serampore. From this press issued out those books which claim to be the pioneers of their kind, not only in Bengal but also in India.

This new spirit was also responsible for the conception of newspapers in Bengali. Though numerous becks came out of the missionary press at Serampore, though schools were established for imparting education in Bengali, still no great change came over the educated classes.