Page:A Key to the Lock. Or, A Treatise Proving, Beyond All Contradiction, the Dangerous Tendency of a Late Poem, Entituled, The Rape of the Lock, to Government and Religion - Pope (1715).djvu/37

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A Key to the Lock.

In the first of them, he plainly hints at their Matins; in the second, by adoring ev'ry Power, the Invocation of Saints.

Belinda's Visits are described with numerous Wax-Lights, which are always used in the Ceremonial Parts of the Romish Worship.

——Visits shall be paid on solemn Days,
When num'rous Wax-lights in bright Order blaze.

The Lunar Sphere he mentions, opens to us their Purgatory, which is seen in the following Line.

Since all things lost on Earth are treasur'd there.

It is a Popish Doctrine, that scarce any Person quits this World, but he must touch at Purgatory in his way to Heaven; and it is here also represented as the Treasury of the Romish Church. Nor is it much to be wonder'd at, that the Moon should be Purgatory, when a Learned Divine hath in a late Treatise proved Hell to be in the Sun[1].

I shall now before I conclude, desire the Reader to compare this Key with those upon any other Pieces, which are supposed to be secret Satyrs upon the State, either antient or modern; as with those upon Petronius Arbiter,

  1. The Reverend Dr. Sinden.
