Page:A La California.djvu/318

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out with bullet- holes through them; and the indignant citizens, with the crude ideas of justice prevailing among them, held him responsible for this result, and immediately organized a Vigilance Committee, with the intention of going for Bill as soon as daylight came, to enable them to hunt up his hiding-place in the chaparral. Luckily for him, he learned of their good intentions in season, and before morning broke over the Weaver Mountains, he broke in that direction himself. They heard of him the next day at the Granite Wash, forty miles east of the river, and their ardor having cooled down a little meantime, concluded to drop the matter and pursue him no farther.

He next turned up at Wickenburg, on the Hassi-yampi, in Central Arizona. Wickenburg was a lively place at that time. Jack Snelling was acknowledged to be a capital fellow when perfectly sober, but inclined to be playful at times, and indulge in little practical jokes, which generally resulted in somebody being sent out of town feet foremost, and perforated like a colander. It so happened that Jack was festively inclined on the day on which Bill arrived, and had been going around town compelling all the traders to close their shops and go home, on pain of instant death. Jack was much respected in that community, and his will was law. As Concatenation Bill rode down the single long, tortuous street which comprised the city at that time, Jack sighted him, and mistaking him for a man who had once insulted him by refusing to drink with him, went for him the moment he alighted, and thrashed him within an inch of