Page:A La California.djvu/433

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bull-rushes around little Moses!" was the doctor's reply. "Here is your money. Blame me, I never could win, even when I bet on a dead thing!" said the loser with a grim pleasantry, as he turned away.

The writer was riding once on the Cliff House road on a pet mustang which, when pushed, would win a race or kill somebody in the attempt. A friend came up on a livery-stable nag which he fancied had speed in him, and said to me, "I have got an animal here that can beat yours!" Another acquaintance standing near, who knew both animals, replied on the instant, "When, where, how far, and for how much?" The race was made inside of half a minute by the reply, "Now, here, a mile, and for twenty dollars." I afterwards had some of that money.

In the latter part .of 1867, the ferry steamer Washoe was crossing the Bay of San Francisco to Oakland just at night-fall, when a passenger who had been watching a suspiciously - acting man, thinking him probably a thief, saw him creep stealthily to the stern of the boat, look around to see if he was watched, and then jump overboard. The cry, "man overboard!" was raised in an instant, the steamer stopped, and a boat was lowered to look for the drowning man. He could not be seen in the water, and the man who raised the cry was accused by somebody of selling the crowd; he had not seen anybody jump overboard at all. He swore he had, and would lick any man who said he did not. He found an individual ready to accept the proposition, and licked his man. The boat started on, and the discussion