Page:A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law (OBP.0188, 2020).pdf/586

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Creation of the LMNL has truly been a team effort, and it would not appear as it is today without contributions from several people.

Many colleagues had significant impact on the shape of the lexicon’s content, including Stefan Brink, Thomas Lindkvist, Bill Miller, Anne Irene Riisøy, Bertil Nilsson, Helle Vogt, Ditlev Tamm, Jón Viðar Sigurðsson and Annette Hoff, as well as all of the participants at our November 2015 colloquium and several others.

Our digital LMNL exists thanks to our partners at the Sheffield Digital Humanities Institute, in particular George Ionita, who developed much of the platform as it exists currently, and Mike Pidd, who leads the DHI team.

Our printed and print-on-demand LMNL has been made possible by our partners at Open Book Publishers, who were adventurous enough to take on the challenge of generating a printable volume from a database and succeeded in doing so.

Alessandra Tosi was the managing editor for this book.

Adèle Kreager performed the proofreading.

Anna Gatti designed the cover using a reproduction of Carta marina, a wallmap of Scandinavia, by Olaus Magnus, 1539, Wikimedia, public domain, The cover was produced in InDesign using Fontin (titles) and Calibri (text body) fonts.

This book is a stand-alone version of the digital resource available at The lexical content was extracted from a database hosted by the Digital Humanities Institute in Sheffield and converted into XML by Martin Keegan. Bianca Gualandi took care of converting the XML into the final typeset format (InDesign) for the creation of paperback, hardback, and PDF editions.

Luca Baffa created the digital editions—EPUB, MOBI, PDF, HTML, and XML—the conversion is performed with open source software freely available on our GitHub page (

Generous funding for the research, compilation and editing of LMNL has been provided by The Swedish Research Council. Additional funding for conversion to print and publishing was provided by The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse, Längmanska kulturfonden and Åke Wibergs stiftelse.