Page:A Literary Courtship (1893).pdf/110

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"How did it look?"

He pointed to a bouncing great planet that was shining away in the west.

"It looked like that star," said he.

"When only one is shining in the sky,"

I ventured to quote in a sentimental tone. He did not object to the amendment and I wished I had not said it.

As I look back upon that time the situation seems to me more than ever preposterous. For two grown men to leave New York in the height of the season and travel two thousand miles, merely for the sake of giving one of them an opportunity to fall in love with a girl neither of them had ever seen, and one who, unless all signs failed, was already the unfortunate possessor ofa broken heart! But geniuses are erratic, and if you allow yourself to get entangled with a genius you never know what you may be led into.

Yet I may as well say, right here, that I, for my part, had a rousing good time of it, with tennis and riding, and lots of nice