Page:A Mainsail Haul - Masefield - 1913.djvu/111

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Shannon, not far from Limerick, in the country of the Earl of Thomond, to whom the pirates wrote the following letter:

Right Honourable, we beseech your Lordship to suffer us so far to imboulden ourselves upon your lordship's favour, as to be our mediator unto our Lord Deputy, for ye pardoning of our offences, assuring your Lordship that we never offended any of the King's subjects. If your L will undertake the obtaining of our pardon, we will deliver over, unto my L deputy and your L the ship that we have now, with such lading and commodities, as we have hereunder written; further desiring your L in regard of the foulness of the weather, besides the eating up of my vitles that we may hear from the Lord deputy within this 14 dayes, for longer we may not stay; for ye country upon your L command will not relieve us with any victuals. Theis are the parcels and commodities.

20 peces of ordnance, saker and minion (5 pr and 4 pr M L guns).

7 murtherers (small B L guns of a mortar type, firing dice shot).

40 chests of sugars.

4 bags of pepper.

12? and chists of sinamond.

4 bags of Spanish woll.

1 barrell of waxe & a boykett.

4 chists of soap.