Page:A Manual of the District of Vizagapatam, in the Presidency of Madras.djvu/329

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10. KONDAKIRLA. This estate, compriaing thirteen Jirijati or wses^le villages and one Srotriyam, was bought hy the R&jah of Viaaoagnim, at the sale of the Havelly lands, in 1802 for Bupees 10,890, subject to a pesh- kaah of Rupees 19,800. In 1807 he sold it to Kanunanchi Yenkat&- chalam Pantulu, at whose death in 1837 it pBsaed to his maternal grandson, Mantripragada Yenkata Rao. This proprietor, there being a large arrear of Qovemment peshkaah on the estate, raised Bupees 50,000 on it and made a conditional aale of it to one Sagi Padma- nftbha R&z ; the latter "Was to retain possession till 1846, when, if the money were paid, well and good ; if not the sale was to be connder- ed out and out The mortgagee owed a good deal of money to usurers, one of whom sued out execution of a decree against him, and bj order of the Provincial Court, the Collector attached and took ander management the Eondakirla and other estates in the judg- ment debtor's possession. Shortly after, the Collector (16tfa July 1840) recommended that Kondakirla should be sold for arrears of revenue. It was sold accordingly, and bought by the decree-holder abovementioned ; but on a petition from the mortgagee, the Board withheld their confirmation, and directed the Collector to manage the estate for the mortgagee, until the arrears were paid. Ultimately however, " as the retention of the estate any longer under manage- ment appeared discouraging," the sale took place in 1844, on the same as the sales of the two preceding estates. The arrear due was Rupees 12,266, and it was bought by Government for Rupees 30,600.* 11. RAYAVARAM. This Hundi consists of twelve Jir&yati villages and one Srotriyam. " It exhibits very tolerably equal proportions of dry and wet land, the former not, in general, of a very generous nature, but the latter in many parts of very striking fertility, and eigoying an advantage which is wanted to most of the ' wet' lands in other Hundfis, from

  • Tha diffsrence betweeii the mtsw Mad Um nls umunt wu p»j«bla to tb* d>-

bultar'i creditor who took out sxeoatioa igiiiut the aatMa tm ■boramaotioiUNl, but tlw Boud thought proper to credit it to the urean outttandii^ *g«iiut the da&ultsr'* two othsr eatktaa, Kottur and Velchur Kodur, which ware purghMed lor Oovenuuent b; the CoUsotor on the ume day, for Bapeea tiO each. Bererel potition* addnMsd b^ the ■ggTiered partlw t« the authoritiea not meeting with oottddnMiiMi, a Crril Suit wm brought in the CSueaoole Cooit •(punit tb* OoremiDeat, wban • deCMe mi {Nnad h pnjed for, M » putter of eoune. )vGoo'^lc