Page:A Menina do Narizinho Arrebitado (1920).pdf/16

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hundred flies in our deal, you're going to swallow five hundred round pebbles today.

The frog had an extremely sad expression and went to hide in a corner, very unhappy with his life, while Narizinho laughed until she was tired.

Then Scaly opened the door and, taking the girl's hand, led her into a large room where there was a throne.

— This is the hall of government, where I give audiences to my subjects and dispense justice, punishing the bad and rewarding the good.

He sat on the throne and struck a bronze gong with a silver mallet: pom! pom! pom! Immediately a detachment of uniformed crickets appeared under the command of Captain Grasshopper. They all stood as still as if they were made of wood.

— Get up! ordered the prince. The captain stood up and came to stand in front of the throne.