Page:A Moslem seeker after God - showing Islam at its best in the life and teaching of al-Ghazali, mystic and theologian of the eleventh century (IA moslemseekeraft00zwem).pdf/325

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D. Comparative Table of Events


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Senmony—Francontan Dynasty. Kingdoms of Castile and Leon, Al-Ghazali horn, |, 1058 | 0) Fl Mostanser, 227-487 A. AL Pro-| Il Ka‘ita B'anarillah invests ‘aghril

BERS Thy, Shey TV. End of the Ommiades, g19. claimed al Bagdad, 451 A. H. with temporal authority,

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The Moraheths. SS

Siro afta ‘tue: Emperors and whe Scie = —-—-+ ==! Al-Ghazali goes 1087 | 4HO Teena We Popes Vraerce of Chrisutans. 2 soepto) Uselad: Ses GER Tughsit Bey: subjects Persia,

— = : - The Moslems divided’ into small | mecinons Ee alphate.

Lonard emililies: | States. Conversion cnt Meese Illanee sae

Tushsil Bey invades Tudia. Fir

dausi, author of Shah Nameb.

= Scena -' Abdallah ber Tasfin fowrds Mara-

k A es Death of Duyhril Rey, 1553, Prance—Reign of Meucalism. Philip, kash, - Decline of the Fatimides. : > tafe. Toledo taken, 1085. His return 16 active tite, 1103 | 494 DOMINATION OF THE ae tg —| The Abhnoravides. : SEEJUKS Rugsia—Viadimir the Great adopes| Yusul thn Tasfin called to Spain, H VAlp Arslan, Coognest of Asia Christianity. 108. | Jerusalem iuvaded hy ihe sons of | Minor. a TE = =e Batile of Zalaca, teicat of ! i Be Te ea ce =e Angland -- Conquest of Wi iUtam, ; Afostems, i Lis death. WW Sie | 198, Siege of Antioch, jdaise Sialy ae jor sons divide Dnte of Nermiaiidy, 1066; | ‘Jerusalem captured by the Crusaders, SS IU I se i - ogy. {492 A. HL} ‘fhe kingdom of Gazna over flows Abelard born, t079, dy the Sultans Gonrides of Delhi. ae LS 1og, ‘Uripoli takes by the Crusaders. s First Crasade, tous. Anselm, 1993. [

Bernard, wis.