Page:A Nameless Nobleman.djvu/36

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"And why impossible, mademoiselle? Gaston's not an ill-looking fellow; he has a good position in the army, with prospects of promotion, since his Majesty deigns to notice him; he loves you romantically; I, his father, and your guardian, beg you to listen favorably to his suit; and, most important of all, the king commands you to do so."

"O monsieur!" and choking with anger, grief, and terror, the young girl hid her face in her hands, and rushed from the room.

The Count de Montarnaud looked after her, wrinkled his leathern cheeks in a smile of marvellous cunning, and slowly inhaled a pinch of snuff.

"Une ingénue!" murmured he, dusting some grains of the fragrant dust from his jabot; "but it is a fault that cures itself, and will make her none the less attractive at court. It was poor La Vallière's road to success."