Page:A Naval Biographical Dictionary.djvu/1354

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two simultaneously taken near St. Domingo; and in the early part of 1783 he participated in a severe action of four hours, which terminated in the capture, by the Fox, of the Santa Catalina, a Spanish frigate that had been sent from the Havana for the express purpose of herself making prize of the British ship. In Dec. 1794 Mr. Young (who had been recently employed, with the approbation of the Admiralty, in raising upwards of 1000 seamen, by means of voluntary subscriptions from the merchants, bankers, and others of the city of London) entered the Transport department of the Navy; his indefatigable conduct in which service, as Principal Agent, at the embarkation of the troops and inhabitants during the evacuation of Port-au-Prince in May, 1798, procured his immediate promotion, on the strong recommendation of Brigadier-General Hon. Thos. Maitland, to the rank of Acting-Commander, and the official sanction to his advancement 3 July following.[1] In Oct. 1799 Capt. Young was selected, from the peculiar importance of the mission, to proceed to the Texel with all the transports then in the Downs or at Ramsgate, and for his conduct during the service, which was of a very arduous nature, he received the full approval of the Transport Board. He was next, in compliment to his uncommon activity and superior intelligence, ordered to superintend the embarkation of the troops destined to be employed on the Ferrol expedition in July, 1800, and then directed, from his great experience, to accompany it as Principal Agent. On 17 Nov. 1800 we find him appointed by Lord Keith to his flag-ship, the Foudroyant, for the purpose of conducting, as Captain of the Mediterranean fleet, the detailed duties of the shipping, consisting of nearly 100 sail, then under his lordship’s orders at Port Mahon, and on the eve of proceeding on the expedition to Egypt, whence he was ultimately compelled, from repeated bilious attacks, to invalid, in June, 1801. In consideration of his unremitting devotion to the execution of the duties with which he had been there intrusted, of the favourable manner in which he had also attracted the notice of Sir Ralph Abercromby, and of the earnest recommendation of Lord Keith, he was promoted by the Admiralty to Post-rank 29 April, 1802. He further obtained the gold medal of the Turkish Order of the Crescent, and was presented by the Masters of the different ships that had been under his orders with a handsome sword, as a token of their gratitude and esteem. On the renewal of hostilities, in 1803, he was despatched by Lord St. Vincent to Hanover on a secret service of the utmost importance (that of rendering escort to their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Cambridge and Gloucester), which he performed with great credit to himself and advantage to his Sovereign. He appears likewise, at the close of the same year and the commencement of the next, to have been engaged under Rear-Admiral Jas. Hawkins Whitshed in superintending the equipment of some gun-vessels at Dublin, the embarkation of troops at Cork, and the erection of signal-posts on the south-west coast of Ireland, on account of the threatened invasion of Buonaparte. Capt. Young afterwards, for the long period of nearly 25 years (from Oct. 1805 until Feb. 1830), discharged the duties of Inspecting Agent for Transports on the river Thames; on his resignation of which office he was presented, by the different Transport-Lieutenants who had been under his orders, with a magnificent silver vase. He was placed on the list of Retired Rear-Admirals 10 Jan. 1837; was transferred to the Active list 17 Aug. 1840; and was advanced to the rank of Vice-Admiral 9 Nov. 1846.

Vice-Admiral Young was honoured during his public career with the friendship of his late Majesty and of their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Kent, Gloucester, and Cambridge. He married, 15 Feb. 1789, Ann Spencer, eldest daughter of Robt. Curling, Esq., of Camberwell, and by that lady had issue 13 children, nine of whom (five sons and four daughters) survive. His eldest son, Wm. Hall, a Midshipman in the R.N., died at Plymouth in Oct. 1809, on his return from the West Indies; and his next, Geo. Frederick, was the late M.P. for Tynemouth.

YOUNG. (Lieutenant, 1826.)

William Francis Young, born 1 June, 1804, is son, by Charlotte, daughter of the late General Fyers, R.E., of the late Vice-Admiral Jas. Young,[2] of Barton End, co. Gloucester; and nephew of Admiral Sir Wm. Young, K.C.B., Vice-Admiral of England, who died in 1821.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College 3 Feb. 1818; and embarked, in Dec. 1819, on board the Vigo 74, Capt. Thos. Brown, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Robt. Lambert at St. Helena. While on that station he was lent as Midshipman to the Brazen 26, Rosario 10, and Menai 24, the two latter commanded by Capts. Wm. Hendry and Fairfax Moresby. The Menai, while he was in her, was employed off the Isle of France. He returned to England subsequently in the Samarang 28, Capt. John Norman Campbell; but was soon ordered back to the Cape station, where he remained, in the Ariadne 28, Capt. Constantine Rich. Moorsom, until 1824. He then took a passage home from the Mauritius in a sugar-ship, the George the Fourth, for the purpose of passing his examination. During the voyage the latter vessel was caught in a northwest gale and dismasted. After several weeks of suffering the people belonging to her abandoned her, and landed on the coast of Africa, near Mossel Bay, whence they travelled in bullock-waggons to the Cape. Having at length reached home in a merchantman named the Britannia and having accomplished the object he had in view, Mr. Young was nominated Mate of the Glasgow 50, Capt. Hon. Jas. Ashley Maude, on the Lisbon station. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 3 Jan. 1826; was appointed next, 9 Jan. 1827, to the Raleigh 18, Capts. John Windham Dalling, Geo. Haye, and Sir Wm. Dickson, on the Mediterranean station; and from 27 Oct. 1831 until the end of 1834 was there employed in the Britannia 120, Capts. Wm. Jas. Hope Johnstone and Peter Rainier. He has since been on half-pay.

Lieut. Young married, 4 July, 1836, Elizabeth, daughter of the late Josiah Gist, Esq., of Wormington Grange, co. Gloucester, by whom he has issue three daughters.

YULE. (Lieutenant, 1842.)

Charles Bampfield Yule entered the Navy 11 May, 1830; passed his examination 6 Sept. 1837; and since 2 April, 1842, the date of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, has been employed in command of the Bramble schooner of 10 guns, tender to the Fly and Rattlesnake, on the East India station.

YULE. (Lieutenant, 1826.)

James Yule entered the Navy 20 Nov. 1813; passed his examination in 1819; was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 21 Oct. 1826; obtained an appointment in the Coast Guard 21 July, 1835; and

  1. After reporting the evacuation of the towns of Port-au-Prince and St. Marc’s, together with their dependencies and the parish of Arcahaye, Brigadier-General Maitland concludes his public letter to the Right Hon. Hen. Dundas thus:– “Lieut. Young, of the Navy, Chief Agent of Transports, conducted himself in the execution of this arduous task in such a manner that I should neglect a very material, though pleasant part of my duty, were I not to seize this opportunity to commend him in the strongest manner to your notice. He is a very old officer, but his length of services has neither impaired his zeal nor diminished his activity.” – Vide Gaz. 1798, p. 571.
  2. Vice-Admiral (of the White) James Young attained post-rank 5 Oct. 1793, and afterwards commanded the Greyhound, Ethalion, and Pique frigates, and Valiant 74. In the Ethalion he assisted at the capture, in Oct. 1799, of the Thetis and Santa Brigida Spanish frigates, laden with treasure; his own share of which amounted, alone, to 40,730l. 18s. He became a Rear-Admiral 4 June, 1814, and a Vice-Admiral 19 July, 1826. He died 8 March, 1833.