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from Nyeborg of the Spanish troops under the Marquis de la Romana in Aug. 1808, Mr. Campbell was with Capt. Macnamara transferred, in March, 1810, as Senior Lieutenant, to the Berwick 74. We afterwards find him serving in the latter capacity, for short periods, on board the Stately 64, Capt. Edw. Stirling Dickson, off the port of Cadiz, and in the Tigre 74, Capt. John Halliday, and San Josef and Queen Charlotte first-rates, bearing the flag of Lord Keith on the Channel station. In Aug. and Oct. 1813, he assumed, in succession, the acting command of the Sparrow and Lyra sloops, in the former of which he conducted the blockade of Santona, and was employed at the storming of St. Sebastian. Since his official promotion, 6 Dec. 1813, Commander Campbell has been on half-pay.

CAMPBELL. (Lieut., 1812. f-p., 11; h-p., 33.)

John Campbell (c) entered the Navy, 21 Nov. 1803, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Illustrious 74, Capt. Sir Chas. Hamilton, in which ship he attained the rating of Midshipman 2 March, 1805, and continued to serve, with Capts. Mich. Seymour and Wm. Shield, on the Home station, until June, 1807. He then, with the latter officer, joined, in succession, the Queen 98, and, as Master’s Mate, the Malta 80, employed in the West Indies and off Cadiz; and he afterwards, from Aug. 1808, to June, 1813, served, in the Mediterranean and Adriatic, on board the Cumberland 74, Capt. Hon. Philip Wodehouse, and Unite 36, Capt. Pat. Campbell, and, with Rear-Admiral Thos. Fras. Fremantle, in the Ville de Paris 110, and Rodney and Milford 74’s, in the last of which he was confirmed a Lieutenant, 21 March, 1812. After a further attachment to the Kingfisher and Apelles sloops, Capts. Ewell Tritton and Alex. M‘Vicar, Lieut. Campbell invalided home in May, 1814, since which period he has not been afloat. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.

CAMPBELL, C.B., K.E.G. (Captain, 1827. f-p., 25; h-p., 23.)

John Norman Campbell entered the Navy, in June, 1799, as A.B., on board the Terrible 74, Capt. Wm. Wolseley, and continued to serve for many years on the Home station. He attained the rating of Midshipman in Dec. following; joined, in May, 1801, the Amethyst 36, Capts. John Cook, Henry Rich. Glynn, A. Campbell, and John Wm. Spranger; and, on 20 Dec. 1805, was appointed Sub-Lieutenant of the Helena 24, Capt. Jas. Andw. Worth, of which vessel he became a full Lieutenant 17 June, 1807. His next appointment was, 12 Aug. 1808, to be Flag-Lieutenant, in the Dreadnought 98, to Rear-Admiral Thos. Sotheby, on the coast of France, where he commanded a division of boats, and had 4 men wounded, at the capture of a vessel under the batteries near Rochelle in 1809, besides participating in many attempts on the enemy’s coast-trade. On 20 May, 1811, Mr. Campbell, who had been appointed, 12 June, 1810, to the Astrea, of 42 guns and 271 men, Capt. Chas. Marsh Schomberg, contributed (while cruizing otf Madagascar, in company with the Phoebe and Galatea, frigates about equal in force to the Astrea, and 18-gun brig Racehorse) to the capture – after a long and trying action with the French 40-gun frigates Renommé, Clorinde, and Néréide, in which the Astrea had 2 men killed and 16 wounded – of the Renommé; and, on 25 of the same month, he was further present at the surrender of the Nereide, and of the settlement of Tamatave. We subsequently find him appointed, in the capacity of First-Lieutenant, – 13 April, 1811, to the Nisus 38, Capt. C. M. Schomberg, in the North Sea – 5 April, 1815, to the Snake 18, Capt. Joseph Gape, on the same station – 31 Oct. 1815, to the Phaeton 38, Capt. Fras. Stanfell, employed at the Cape of Good Hope – and, 3 April, 1818, to the Liverpool 50,, Capt. Fras. Augustus Collier. During the operations, in Dec. 1819, against the pirates of Ras-al-Khyma, in the Persian Gulf, Lieut. Campbell, in unison with Capt. Wm. Walpole, R.N., commanded the body of troops who were landed to assist the army, and proved himself beyond all praise by his able direction of a breaching-battery of 24-pounders, which played with vivid effect on the walls of the town, as well as by his subsequent and similar exertions against the almost impregnable fortress of Zaire.[1] From Nov. to Jan. 1821, and from March to May following, he was further employed, on the East India station, as Acting-Captain of the Dauntless 26, and Alligator 28, and he soon afterwards received the official notification of his promotion to the rank of Commander, which had taken place 28 Nov. 1820. He next, on 1 Jan. 1822, commissioned, at Cochin, the Samarang 28, and, returning home, paid that frigate off at Portsmouth in July of the same year. From that period he remained unemployed until appointed, 14 May, 1827, to the Albion 74, Capt. John Acworth Ommanney. On 21 Oct., the morning after the ensuing battle of Navarin, Capt. Campbell, who had been slightly wounded, was sent with a division of boats to board the two Turkish line-of-battle ships that had surrendered, on which occasion he received the swords of both the commanding officers.[2] As a reward for his conduct in the action, he was advanced to Post-rank on 22 of the same month – created a C.B. 13 Nov. following – and presented, in 1834, with the order of the Redeemer of Greece. Since 12 March, 1845, he has been in command of the Melampus 42, stationed on the south-east coast of America.

Capt. Campbell, in March, 1828, was nominated by the Lord High Admiral a member of the committee appointed to report on a series of experiments then about to be made as to the capabilities of some newly-invented guns and gun-carriages. He married, 23 May, 1838, Georgiana, only daughter of the late Geo. Martin, Esq., of the H.E.I.Co.’s service. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.

CAMPBELL. (Lieut., 1835. f-p., 1 7; h-p., 6.)

Patrick Campbell, born 10 Jan. 1812, is third son of the late Arch. Campbell, Esq., of Melfort, co. Argyle; and nephew of Vice-Admiral Sir Pat. Campbell, K.C.B., who died in 1841, of Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B., Governor of Ceylon, and of Col. Campbell, R.A.

This officer entered the Navy, 7 Dec. 1824, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Ganges 84, commanded by his uncle, Capt. Pat. Campbell, at Portsmouth : served subsequently, as Midshipman, in the Cyrene 20 and Bombay 84, both commanded by Capt. Alex. Campbell, on the East India station, as also in the Ocean 80, Capt. P. Campbell, and Rattlesnake 28, Capts. Hon. Chas. Orlando Bridgeman, Sir Thos. Sabine Pasley, and Chas. Graham, in the Mediterranean; passed his examination 14 Feb. 1831; and, on 27 July, 1835, was promoted from a Mateship in the Thalia 46, bearing the flag of his uncle at the Cape of Good Hope, to the command of the Buzzard 3, in which we find him capturing eight slavers, carrying in the whole more than 1700 negroes. In consequence of a severe attack of coast-fever. Mr. Campbell invalided from the Buzzard in March 1837, and for a short time rejoined the Thalia, as Flag-Lieutenant. His appointments have since been – 17 July, 1837, to the command of the Dolphin 3, on the same station, whence his health obliged him to return, in May, 1838 – 15 May, 1840, to the Southampton 50, flag-ship at the Cape of Sir Edw. Durnford King – 10 Aug. 1841, as First-Lieutenant, to the Rose 18, Capts. Peter Christie and Thos. Baillie, while detached from which vessel in charge of the pinnace with 14 men, for the purpose of intercepting a slaver, he was, on one occasion, taken prisoner by a party of Brazilians, who subjected him, during a captivity of six days, to the worst of treatment – and, 8 July, 1844, after two years of half-pay, to the Coast Guard, in which he is at present serving. Agents – Collier and Snee.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1820, p. 1673.
  2. Vide Gaz. 1827, p. 2325.