Page:A Naval Biographical Dictionary.djvu/744

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Gordon Caulfeild; and in the course of the next month attained the rating of Midshipman. Removing in March, 1802, after an intermediate servitude on the Lisbon and Mediterranean stations, to the Latona 38, Capt. Frank Sotheron, he was for seven months employed in that ship in the Channel and Baltic. Being again, in April, 1803, placed under the orders of Capt. Caulfeild in the Grampus 50, he cruized for some time on the Guernsey station, and then sailed for the East Indies, where, in Dec. 1805, he followed the same officer, as Master’s Mate, into the Russell 74. In Oct. 1806 Mr. Marshall was nominated by Sir Edw. Pellew Acting-Lieutenant of his flag-ship the Culloden 74, in which, on 27 of the ensuing month, he contributed to the capture and destruction of a Dutch frigate, seven brigs of war, and about 20 armed and other merchant-vessels in Batavia Roads. In the spring of 1807 he went back, in the capacity last mentioned, to his former ship the Russel, still commanded by Capt. Caulfeild, with whom he continued, latterly under the flag of Rear-Admiral Wm. O’Brien Drury, until compelled by ill health to invalid in Feb. 1809. His next appointment we find was, 24 Oct. in the latter year, to the Aboukir 74, Capt. Geo. Parker, then attached to the Walcheren expedition. On 24 Oct. 1812, up to which period he had been serving in the North Sea and Baltic, part of the time under the flag of Rear-Admiral Thos. Byam Martin, and latterly in charge of a gun-boat at the defence of Riga, Mr. Marshall was promoted to the command of the Procris sloop, on the East India station, whither he took a passage in the Java of 46 guns and 377 men, Capt. Henry Lambert. It was his consequent misfortune to be present on board that frigate 23 Dec. 1812, when she was captured, after a close and terrific action of three hours and 40 minutes, and a loss of 22 men killed and 102 (including the Captain mortally) wounded, by the American ship Constitution of 55 guns and 480 men, many of whom suffered. His exertions and the advice he afforded throughout the contest were particularly acknowledged in the despatches of the senior surviving officer, the present Capt. Henry Ducie Chads.[1] On 11 Nov. 1813 Capt. Marshall was invested with the command of the Shamrock brig; and on joining that vessel off Cuxhaven he was ordered higher up the Elbe, with a detachment of gun-boats under his orders, for the purpose of watching the enemy at Gluckstadt until the arrival there of the Swedish troops under the Baron de Boyé. The zeal he subsequently displayed in the arduous operations which terminated in its surrender to the allied forces called forth the official thanks of the late Sir Arthur Farquhar, who commanded the naval force employed in the attack.[2] On 9 Jan. 1814, four days after the event last mentioned had taken place, the Shamrock entered the haven of Gluckstadt, and took possession of the Danish flotilla found in it, consisting of one brig and seven gunboats. Her commander was then despatched to Kiel, in order to establish the claims of the British squadron to the enemy’s vessels, naval stores, &c., taken in the Elbe. He next assisted at the blockade of Hamburg and Haarburg. The importance indeed of Capt. Marshall’s services on the German rivers was fully acknowledged by his being advanced to Post rank 7 June, 1814; created, in the early part of 1815, a Knight of the highest Russian Military Order of St. George and of the Swedish Military Order of the Sword, and a C.B. 4 June in the same year. In Jan. 1826 he was selected to fill the office of Superintendent of Lazarettos at Milford; and, about Jan. 1827, of the Quarantine establishment at Standgate Creek. William IV., in June, 1832, invested him with the insignia of a K.C.H., and also conferred on him the honour of Knighthood. His last appointment was, 18 Aug. 1841, to the Isis 44, fitting for the Cape of Good Hope, whence he returned home and was paid off at the commencement of 1845; in April of which year he had the satisfaction of receiving a letter of thanks from the Committee at Lloyd’s for the great attention he had paid during his recent command to the interests of the mercantile community generally, but especially for the arrangements he had made for the preservation of peace and the furtherance of trade at Icheboe.

Sir John Marshall married, a second time, 17 Sept. 1828, Augusta Eliza, youngest daughter of John Wynne, Esq., of Garthmeillo, co. Denbigh, and grand-daughter of the Rev. S. Parr, D.D., Prebendary of St. Paul’s. His eldest daughter, Frances Orris, is married to Martin Hadsley Gosselin, Esq., only son of Admiral T. Le M. Gosselin; and his third, Louisa Phillips, to Capt. Geo. Black, of the Royal Canadian Rifles. Agents – Burnett and Holmes.

MARSHALL. (Retired Commander, 1844.)

John Marshall (a) – whose name had been borne in 1790 on the books of the Marlborough 74, Capt. Cornish, and Queen Charlotte 100, bearing the flag of Lord Howe – embarked, in 1793, as A.B., on board the Egmont 74, Capts. Archibald Dickson and John Sutton; in which ship he cooperated in the reduction of Corsica, and was present in Hotham’s actions of 14 March and 13 July, 1795, and in the battle fought off Cape St. Vincent 14 Feb. 1797. He also, in 1796, assisted at the evacuation of the island above named. At the close of 1799, after having further served with Capt. Sutton in the Superb 74, with Lord Bridport in the Royal George 100, and with Sir Thos. Boulden Thompson as Acting-Lieutenant in the Bellona 74, on the Home station, Mr. Marshall was unfortunately obliged to be invalided and sent to the hospital at Plymouth. Being, however, officially promoted, 18 Feb. 1800, to a Lieutenancy in the Renommée frigate, Capt. M‘Kellar, he was employed in the course of that year in the expedition to Egypt. His next appointment was, 17 Sept. 1802, to the Port Mahon brig, Capts. Walter Grosett, ___ Neville, ___ M‘Donald, ___ Murray, and Sam. Chambers, on the Jamaica station; where, under Capt. Chambers, he assisted at the capture, recapture, and destruction of at least fifty vessels; among which were El Galgo Spanish packet, the Amaranza letter-of-marque, and El Courier privateer. He further, 25 June, 1806, united in chasing the San Josef letter-of-marque brig (armed with 1 long 18-pounder on a pivot amidships, and 4 12-pounder carronades and 2 long 4-pounders on her sides, with swivels, pikes, and muskets, and 30 men), into the intricate harbour of Banes, in the island of Cuba; and then, taking command of the boats of the Port Mahon, succeeded with the utmost gallantry in cutting her out without the loss of a man; although the vessel was protected by the fire from, and moored by a line to, a tower mounting 2 heavy guns, and notwithstanding too that in endeavouring to conduct her out of the harbour she grounded within pistol-shot of the battery, and was struck by several shot from it.[3] He left the Port Mahon, of which he appears to have been for some time in charge, in 1807; and was afterwards employed in the Impress service at Poole, and in visiting Quebec and other parts of North America in the Woolwich 44, armée en flûte, Capt. Thos. Ball Sulivan. Ill health, again, in Aug. 1813, compelled him to leave his ship and to enter the hospital at Bermuda. He became a Retired Commander on the Junior List 26 Nov. 1830: and on the Senior 30 July, 1844.

MARSHALL. (Commander, 1845.)

William Marshall (b) was born in Jan. 1796. This officer entered the Navy, 3 Sept. 1805, as a Volunteer, on board the Tartar 32, Capt. Edw. Hawker, employed on the Halifax station; where he continued to serve, until the conclusion of hostilities, in the Melampus 36, also commanded by Capt. Hawker, and in the Indian 18, Capt. Chas. John Austen, Horatio 38, Capt. Geo. Scott, Ruby

  1. Vide Gaz. 1813, p. 774.
  2. Vide Gaz. 1814, p. 126.
  3. Vide Gaz, 1806, p. 1537.