Page:A Poem to his Sacred Majesty on the Plot written by a Lady of Quality 1679.jpg/1

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On the Diſcovery of the PLOTT,

Written by a Lady of Quality.

HAILE Mighty Prince! whom Heaven has deſig'nd
To be the chief delight of human kind:
So many Vertues croud your Breaſt that we
Do alwaies queſtion your Mortality:
Sure all the Planets that o're Vertue raigns,
Shed their beſt Influence in your Royal Veins:
You are the Glory of Monarchial Pow'rs,
In Bounties free as are deſcending ſhowrs;
Fierce as a Tempeſt when ingag'd in War,
In Peace more mild than tender Virgins are;
In pitying Mercy, you not imitate
The Heavenly Pow'rs, but rather emulate.
None but your ſelf, your ſuffrings could have born
With ſo much Greatneſs, ſuch Heroick ſcorn,
When Hated Traytors do your Life purſue,
And all the World is fill'd with Cares for you;
When every Loyal Heart is ſunk with fear,
Your ſelf alone cloth unconcern'd appear;
Your Soul within, ſtill keeps it's lawful ſtate,
Contemns and dares the worſt effects of Fate,
As the bright Majeſty ſhot from your Eye,
Aw'd your tame Fate, and rul'd your deſtiny.
Though your Undaunted ſoul bare you thus high,
Your ſollid Judgement ſees ther's danger nigh;
Which with ſuch care and Prudence you prevent
As if you fear'd not but t'would croſs th'event.
Your Care ſo nobly looks, it doth Appear
Tis for your Subjects, not your Self you fear:
Heaven! make this Princes Life your neareſt care,
That does ſo many of your Beſt Vertues ſhare:
If Monarchs in their Actions copy you,
This is the neareſt Piece you ever drew:
Blaſt every hand that dares to be ſo bold,
An Impious Weapon 'gainſt his Life to hold
Burſt every Heart that dares but Think him ill;
Their Guilty ſouls with ſo much Terrour fill,
That of themſelves they may their Plott unfold,
And Live no longer then the Tale is told.
Safe in your Care, all elſe will needleſs prove
Yet keep him ſafe to in his Subjects Love.
Your Subjects View You with ſuch Loyal Eyes
They know not how they may their Treaſure prize:
Were You defenceleſs, they would round you fall,
And Pile their bodies to build up a wall.
Were you diſtreſt, 'twould prove a gen'rous ſtrife,
Who firſt ſhould loſe his Own, to ſave Your Life,
But ſince kind Heaven theſe Dangers doth remove,
Wee'l find out other wayes t'expreſs our Love.
Wee'l force the Traytors all, their ſouls reſign,
To herd with him that taught them their deſign.


Printed in the year 1679.