Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/202

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finest gold (Fig. 31). These loaves were unleavened bread made of the finest flour and had to be renewed every Sabbath. By the side of the table stood a golden vial filled with wine. In the outer court stood the brazen altar on which the holocausts were burnt (Fig. 32), and by its side a brazen laver for the use of the priests. The people had to remain in the outer court. Only the priests were allowed to enter the Holy, and into the Holy of Holies no one but the High Priest could enter, once a year (on the great day of Expiation).

When all was completed according to God’s command, Moses poured sacred oil on the Tabernacle, and on all it contained; and then the cloud [1] covered the Ark of the Covenant, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle, and rested between the two cherubim. As often as Moses had occasion to consult[2] the Lord, he received an answer of Him from the Propitiatory of the Holy of Holies.

  1. The cloud, i. e. the cloud, in which God was present, descended upon the Propitiatory between the two Cherubim.
  2. To consult. Moses was privileged to enter the Holy of Holies in order to consult the Lord. After him only the High Priest could enter, once a year.