Page:A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (1910).djvu/446

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in this way that we should obey the inward admonitions of grace to do what is right. If we do this, we shall one day be with Jesus in heaven.

The Christmas Tree represents Jesus Christ, who is the true tree of life in the newly restored paradise. He that eateth of this tree shall live. The burning tapers on the tree are meant to show that Christ is the light of the world, 'Tull of grace and truth”. The various fruits and sweets hanging on the branches symbolise the rich gifts and blessings brought by Jesus Christ to the children of men. The latter too are accustomed to give presents to each other, because on this day God has given to the world His only Begotten Son and with him everything else.

The Christian era. As quite a new era began with the Birth of Jesus Christ, an era of grace and reconciliation, our years are counted from that time. The year in which our Lord was born was the first year of the Christian era. On Christmas-Day this year, 1910 years will have passed since the Birth of Jesus Christ.

Why Jesus subjected Himself to circumcision. Our Lord was without sin, so He stood in no need of circumcision. But He submitted to the rite for the following reasons: 1. According to the prophecies the Redeemer was to be a true Israelite and son of Abraham. To be such, and to be recognised as such, circumcision was necessary. 2. By His Incarnation our Lord took upon Himself the sins of mankind, so as to make satisfaction for them. For this purpose He shed His Precious Blood for the first time in His circumcision, and showed us thereby that He was come to redeem us by His Blood. Therefore the name of Jesus, or Saviour, was given to Him at His circumcision. 3. By voluntarily obeying the law and submitting Himself to the rite of circumcision, He wished to give us an example of obedience to the divine law.

The Name of Jesus is the sweetest of all names; for if that blessed name did not exist, neither would there exist for us pardon, or grace or eternal happiness. It is the object of our faith, our hope and our love. Moreover the name of Jesus testifies to the divine nature of the Redeemer; it not only means Saviour, but Divine Saviour, and says to us: "Jehovah, God, is our salvation and deliverance!” Thus St. Paul writes: “In the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, or under the earth” (Phil. 2, 10).

Application. Are you of good will as the shepherds were? Do you listen to the admonitions of your guardian angel, of your parents and superiors? From henceforward try, for love of Jesus, to be very obedient.