Page:A Practical Treatise on Olive Culture, Oil Making and Olive Pickling.djvu/7

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To Rev. Richard Wylie,

Pastor of the Presbyterian Church,
Napa, Cal.

Dear Sir:—You take such a deep and intelligent interest in olive culture and I owe so much to your valuable assistance in the translation of this little work from the French—in which language I wrote it originally—that this, coupled with the high feelings of respect I entertain for your person, prompts me to respectfully dedicate to you this humble effort of mine in which it is my purpose to present to our agriculturists, from a Californian point of view, and in as brief and concise form as is in my power to make it, the principal points bearing on olive culture, which I hope and trust will soon stand foremost among the great industries of our highly favored State.

Yours Respectfully,

Adolphe Flamant.

Napa, June 15, 1887.