Page:A Princetonian.djvu/112

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A Princetonian.

"it was simply lovely. Now he will have to give up wearing that horrible thing for the rest of the evening at any rate."

Tommy Wilson took up the hat and the bowl just as it was.

"Will any lady in the audience please lend me a gold watch?" he said; "or a wedding ring; or a lace handkerchief would make a good substitute. You have observed, ladies and gentlemen, what my assistant has carefully deposited within this ornamental head gear. Sir," he remarked, turning to Hollingsworth with a mock bow, "pray don't be worried."

"I am sorry I was so awkward," began Hart, in a low voice.

"Don't say a word," interrupted Miss Hollingsworth. "It was most successful, and his getting angry was the funniest thing of all."

In fact the ridicule that Hart had at first felt would have been heaped on him seemed now to cover Hollingsworth, and seeing there was nothing for it, he accepted the situation as gracefully as he could.

The old colored man removed the debris, and things went on much as if nothing had happened. The feeling of embarrassment had