Page:A Princetonian.djvu/183

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A Change of Front.

"Why don't you stop tasting it and putting things in it and give us a chance?" he cried, to which Charlie had replied that it needed just a dash more of something or other, and proceeded to taste it again.

The first of the sophomoric guests to arrive was Mudge, the Red-Headed; he was followed by Potter Clark, who liked everybody and had no enemies; and Biff Wainwright, who sang in the glee club. Then there was a sound of loud talking down the hall and Jack Stahl, the right half-back on the eleven, came into the room with a rush.

Under certain conditions Jack's behavior resembled that of the traditional bull—he could break more things, accidentally, than any man in college. Apparently he was a little flushed and excited this evening, so Betts shoved the handsome cigar box under the bed and hid a huge Chinese jar in the closet. The freshmen sat about quietly, and very politely the punch was handed to the sophomores first, who immediately drank to their own health with a plain statement that they were "the people." Stahl declared that the stuff was so good that he could eat the glasses, and apparently started in to do