Page:A Princetonian.djvu/46

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A Princetonian.

"What building is that, sir?" asked the freshman, looking at the great mass of Witherspoon, in whose windows could be seen seated a number of flannel-clad figures who shouted down to the group on the path.

"That's Gee-Whiz Hall. You had better apply for a room there. Don't let 'em bluff you. Insist on getting one. What State are you from?"

"Thank you, sir; I'm from Nebraska. Western part—Oakland. Guess you never heard of it."

Baiting a freshman who was so oblivious to his terrible position afforded little pleasure to his inquisitors, and, besides, he was so big that there was not much fun in it any way. Some one pointed out the college offices, and the group left him.

"That fellow's no fool, I can tell you," said one.

"Did you ever see such a neck and shoulders in your life, and he's got a hand like a ham," said another.

"Perhaps he can fill Greene's place at guard," observed a third. "Greene's not coming back,