Page:A Princetonian.djvu/59

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Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

then, accompanied by three or four of his class, he walked across the campus. Another figure joined them at the corner of the observatory—"Hullo! don't you remember me; I'm Bliss—met you at the Glee Club car," said a cheerful voice.

When Hart reached his little room in Edwards, there was some lettering in green painted upon the door. He did not appear to notice what was written there, as the hall was but dimly lighted.

Bidding his friends good-night, he closed the door behind him and slipped the bolt.

Simeon Tolker Congreve turned to the others who had accompanied him. He struck a match, lighted a cigarette, and then he saw that the lettering had been done within the last few minutes, for the paint was running.

The legend ran, "Cave Canem! Do not touch. This animal is dangerous."

Congreve daubed his finger with the pigment and inscribed beneath, "Q.E.D." "Quod erat demonstrandum, which is a true fact," he added.

"By the horn spoon, I wish he was rooming with me," said L. Putney Betts.