Page:A Prospect of Manchester and Its Neighbourhood.djvu/33

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The Approach of Eve—The Milkmaid.

Now lengthening shades bespeak approaching eve,
And western skies a ruddier tint receive:
As Sol his steps to blushing Thetis bends,
Impervious gloom o'er Chamber's bowers descends.
And see with hasty step, and lively tread,
The beauteous Celia tripping o'er the mead;
Whilst pendant from her shoulders hangs the pail,
With milk replete scenting the western gale;
The spotted kerchief hides her snowy breast,
The checker'd apron girds her lovely waist,
The russet gown, put on with native ease,
And graceful tuck, bespeak the wish to please.
At every step, attending hinds admire,
And in soft looks express the soft desire.
Finish'd their toil, they meet upon the green,
And eve steals over them unmark'd, unseen.
Stretch'd at her feet upon the grassy plain,
The cheerful labourer raises high the strain;
Nor tuneful art, nor polish'd verse requires,
To sing those charms, which every heart inspires.