Page:A Review of the Open Educational Resources Movement.pdf/25

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  1. Stanford University[1] is conducting a feasibility study on developing automated tools for determining the copyright status of works published in the United States between 1923 and 1964.
  1. University of California[2] is developing tools to permit broader access to the world’s leading libraries and other cultural institutions around the world.
  1. University of Michigan is developing and implementing Sakai,[3] a pre-integrated collection of open source tools, including a complete course management system, and a research support collaboration system.
  1. University of Southern California[4] is exploring a variety of social software tools and technologies to facilitate the use of Open Educational Resources.
  1. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education[5] is developing tools that the higher education community needs to integrate online learning and the World Wide Web into teaching and learning.

2.2.7 OpenCourseWare Consortium

In February 2005, the first meeting of the OpenCourseWare Consortium was held at MIT. In the following two years the Consortium has grown in membership and substance at a rapid rate. It is now a collaboration of more than 120 higher education institutions (including a high ratio of leading universities) and associated organizations from around the world creating a broad and deep body of open educational content using a shared model. The mission of the OCW Consortium is to advance education and empower people worldwide through open courseware. Specific goals are to:

  1. Extend the reach and impact of open courseware by encouraging the adoption and adaptation of open educational materials around the world.
  2. Foster the development of additional open courseware projects.
  3. Ensure the long-term sustainability of open courseware projects by identifying ways to improve effectiveness and reduce costs.————————————