Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/139

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"Here we are at last, Oliver! I declare the place looks like home to me, after being away so long!"

It was Dan who spoke, as the Cardigan steamed up to her wharf at the Chinese-English port for which she had been bound. The voyage had proved without incident, and we stepped from the ship feeling in the best of health, despite the many adventures through which we had passed.

"It certainly looks more friendly than Manila did," I returned, as I gazed at the long line of shipping. "I wonder what your folks will say when they hear our story."

"Perhaps Harry Longley has succeeded in getting a cablegram through," was the answer. "The Spaniards are cute, but, you know, we have a secret code."

Leaving the Cardigan, we walked up the broad wharf and on the street. Not far away was a booth at which foreign periodicals were sold.