Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/169

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we lay in a shady corner on the third day out "I wonder how far we are from Luzon?"

"I heard an officer say that we would sight land to-morrow or the day after."

"Did he say where?"

"He said we were steering for Subig Bay. They think Admiral Montojo may be found there with his fleet."

"I hope they do find him, and give him a good thrashing."

"You say they, Dan. Don't you expect to take a hand in fighting?"

"To be sure. But then we are not regular sailors you know."

"Well, I consider myself a sailor boy, 1 answered warmly.

"Do you? All right, then. Here's to the sailor boy under Dewey!" cried my chum, and drank my health in what was left of a glass of lemonade he had brought up with him. Lemons were plentiful, and in those hot days everybody spent a good deal of time in making something palatable to drink.

In the afternoon, when the sun was low, the squadron was called together and was put through a number of naval maneuvers by the commodore. This was both an interesting and instructive sight, and I watched it from start to finish.