Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/220

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a constant drain on his pocket-book wid no recompense, is apt to git mad sooner or later and rise up an' swat somebody."

We all roared at these quaint remarks, yet recognized their truth.

"Spain will wake up when it is too late," said Longley. "The people——"

He stopped off short as a loud knocking below reached our ears. Going to the window he reported three Spanish soldiers below.

"Hide, all of you!" he continued, and rushed to a side wall. Opening a door, he showed us a secret closet and we entered.

Slowly the minutes passed as we heard him go below and hold a short and spirited conversation. Then came a struggle and the report of a pistol.

"Here, I can't stand this!" cried Dan. "He is in trouble and——"

"We must help him," I finished, and leaped out into the room. Longley had armed us with pistols, and we descended the stairs on the double-quick with the weapons in our hands, and Gory tumbling after us.

Longley stood leaning against a counter in the rear office, the blood flowing from a wound in his side. Near him stood the three Spaniards, one with a pistol which still smoked from the discharge.

Without hesitation we opened fire and as the