Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/246

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glasses from my hands. "By Jove!" he gasped, a minute later.

"What is it, Dan?"

"There is a white man in that boat!"

"A white man, eh?" broke in Watt Brown. "Who can he be?"

"I can't make out yet."

"And how many yellow fellers?" asked Matt Gory.

"Six sailors and an officer."

"Eight, all told," mused the second mate. "Well, we ought to prove a match for 'em."

"We ought not to shed blood if it can be avoided," I said.

"True for you, Raymond; but you must remember that pirates are pirates the world over."

Slowly the small boat came closer. Watt Brown continued to watch it through the glass. Then of a sudden he gave a gasp.

"Captain Kenny!"

"What?" we ejaculated in chorus.

"The white man is Captain Kenny—and one of the men at the oars is Ah Sid!"

"What in the world are they doing among those pirates?" I asked.

"That remains to be seen. More than likely Captain Kenny has heard what the other owners of the Dart want to do, and he is going to