Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/259

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are afther bein' too many for us, bad cess to 'em!"

"Let us take a final stand in the cabin," I answered. "Remember, possession is nine points of the law."

Matt Gory was willing and tumbled down the companion way, followed by Dan and myself. As we burst into the cabin we shut the door behind us and locked it.

The Celestials were now baffled for the moment and we heard them running around the deck, speculating upon what they had best do next. We used this time to barricade the door and to reload our pistols, our guns having been left behind us.

Soon came a hammering and a demand in Chinese, probably to open the door. For an answer, Matt Gory stepped close, and before we could stop him, fired a shot through a panel. A yell of pain followed, and we heard the staggering footsteps of the wounded man as he hurried on deck again.

"That was a bad move. Matt," I said. "They'll do something awful in revenge; you see if they don't!"

"I couldn't hilp it, the ould Nick take 'em!" was the reply. "If thim haythins oncet gain—— hark, phat's that!"

A loud booming of a big cannon over the