Page:A Satyr Against Hypocrites - Philips (1655).pdf/39

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Of him for Mercy she did crave,
Quoth he, thou hast refus'd
My proffer'd Grace, and Mercy both,
And much my name abus'd.

Sore have I sinned, O Lord, she said,
And spent my time in vain,
But bring me like a wand'ring sheep
Into thy Flock again.

O Lord my God, I will amend
My former wicked Vice,
The theif at these poor silly words,
Past into Paradise.

My Laws and my Commandments,
Saith Christ were known to thee,
But of the same, in anywise,
Nor yet one word did ye.

I grant the same, O Lord, quoth she;
Most lewdly did I live,
But yet the loving Father did
His prodigal son forgive.