Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (1st ed.).djvu/16

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

Lines to my Bull Dog.

On being advised to get rid of a very perfect specimen, then in my possession.

I love thee, "Rattler," for thine honest heart,
And 'gainst traducers, gladly take thy part;
Thou 'rt faithful, Rattler, no time-serving friend,
But lovest (once loving) truly to the end.
A change of fortune makes no change in thee,
Which 'mong our biped friends we often see.
Watchful as ever of thy master's weal,
Warm, too, as ever is the love you feel;
The worst thing 'gainst thee I have yet heard said,
Is, thou hast gotten a true Bulldog's head.
But tell them, Rattler, ere we two shall part,
They first must prove thou lack'st a bulldog's heart;
Till then, my canine friend, I'll love thee still,
Let a fastidious world say what it will.