Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (1st ed.).djvu/60

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

To-morrow is the food on which procrastination lives: 'tis also the day on which idle men work and fools reform!

Who, in the possession of happiness, would be mad enough to prefer an hour to a day; a day to a week; a week to a month; or a month to a year? yet is time preferred to eternity!

Lose the key of the cellar, spoil the lock of the cupboard, button up your breeches pocket; give a month's notice thereof, and then count your friends!

Our actions should be such only as our enemies would never allude to!

The tear of pity is a distillation of the soul, and bears a heavenly quality about it!

Books to mankind are as the flowers to the bee. Read, therefore; I conjure ye, read! Seeing that the spring and summer of your life is the proper season for laying in an useful stock of knowledge, which, to the mind, like the well-stored hive to the bee, is a source of sustenance, when the cold, and otherwise dreary winter of "old age" sets in!

Printed by W. B. Marchetti, New Street, Birmingham.